AURORE DEVELAY, Senior Associate


Beyond her training in landscape architecture, Aurore Develay has a strong design background in architecture and interior architecture, which she built up in her native France. Her interests lie in ecological processes and environmental restoration as well as historical and cultural landscapes. Aurore’s work aims to enhance the relationship between people and nature while celebrating and revealing the majesty of our natural heritage through compassionate, inclusive, and creative solutions.


University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, 2018

AFIP College of Arts, Lyon, Brevet de Technicien Supérieur en Design d’Espace, 2010

Arts Appliqués Bellecour, Lyon, Design d’Espace (Interior Architecture), 2008


Landscape Architecture & Environmental Design Departmental Citation, University of California, Berkeley, 2018

Christopher Hoey Memorial Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley, 2017

Berkeley Circus Semi-Finalist, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, 2017


Permaculture Design Certified